
Entity Definition

Logical Name : UnitOfMeasure
Physical Name : CO_UOM

Identifies and describes valid units of measure that are used throughout the model.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
EnglishMetricFlag Indicates whether this unit of measure is part of the English or Metric system of measurements. FL_UOM_ENG_MC Flag integer
UnitOfMeasureCode (PK) The code used to specify the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. This code relates to the UCC data element 355. CD_UOM Code varchar(20)
UnitOfMeasureTypeCode Indicates what this unit of measure entity type instance measures. Examples include weight or mass, length, cube (length x width x depth), volume, discrete items (each), etc. TY_UOM Code varchar(20)
Name Name assigned to this unit of measure. NM_UOM Name varchar(40)
Description Description assigned to this unit of measure. DE_UOM DescriptionShort varchar(255)
MeasurementSystemID (FK) Token ID for a measurement system. ID_MSRMT_SYS Identity integer MeasurementSystem(CO_MSRMT_SYS)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
MeasurementSystem is governed by UnitOfMeasure
UnitOfMeasure defines weight units for CustomerOrderShipmentContainer
UnitOfMeasure defines linear units of CustomerOrderShipmentContainer
UnitOfMeasure defines units of size for ShelfItem
UnitOfMeasure defines units of weight for ShelfItem
UnitOfMeasure defines counting units for TankLevelGauge
UnitOfMeasure validates Tare
UnitOfMeasure counts StockMeter
UnitOfMeasure defines RawMaterialComponent
UnitOfMeasure validates SupplierItemReceivingUnit
UnitOfMeasure defines distance for peg spacing ShelfItem
UnitOfMeasure measures TaxRateRule
UnitOfMeasure validates SupplierItem
UnitOfMeasure defines counting units for contents ShelfItem
UnitOfMeasure defines units of mass for CarrierStandardParcelSize
UnitOfMeasure defines linear units for CarrierStandardParcelSize
UnitOfMeasure defines retail pkg size units StockItem
UnitOfMeasure counts SalesMeter
UnitOfMeasure defines counting units for StockItem
UnitOfMeasure defines counting units for Measurement
UnitOfMeasure validates SupplierItem
UnitOfMeasure defines Location
UnitOfMeasure defines counting units for TankProbe
UnitOfMeasure converts to UnitOfMeasureConversion
UnitOfMeasure converts from UnitOfMeasureConversion
UnitOfMeasure defines WeatherConditionType
UnitOfMeasure defines WeatherConditionType
UnitOfMeasure counts FuelingPoint
UnitOfMeasure defines TimePeriod
UnitOfMeasure defines SaleReturnItemModification
UnitOfMeasure defines counting units SaleReturnLineItem
UnitOfMeasure defines counting units VoidsLineItem
UnitOfMeasure defines GiftRegistryLineItemAssociation

Logical Views containing UnitOfMeasure

Logical View
Logical 01000 - Item Description - Macro View
Logical 01004 - Item Description - Branding
Logical 01010 - Item Description - Subtype View
Logical 01015 - Item Description - Apparel View
Logical 01030 - Item Description - Recipe View
Logical 01050 - Item Description - Labelling View
Logical 01500 - Item Supplier View
Logical 01501 - Item Unit of Measure Types
Logical 06400 - Store Equipment View
Logical 06500 - Time Groups View
Logical 10102 - EnterpriseWeather
Logical 10108 - Enterprise - Physical Locations View
Logical 10108 - Enterprise - Physical Locations View
Logical 20010 - Forecourt Fueling Point View
Logical 20050 - Forecourt Tank Gauge View